Playgrounds in Mieders

Public playground in the village center

Swing, climbing frame, table tennis, seesaw, sandpit

Spielplatz Mieders
Dorfstraße Gemeindezentrum
6142 Mieders

    Serlesbahnen playgrounds

    Serleswasser ( Koppeneck)
    Water play area with cone flume, white water course and raft

    King Serli's nature adventure trail / forest animal trail with earthworm slide
    On the new nature adventure trail, children learn about the local nature and mountain world in a playful way. At a total of eight stations, they discover the tracks of animals, the sounds of nature and much more. Several viewing platforms along the way.

    There is lots going on in the Stubai

    Our new Newsletter will keep you informed of all the news in the valley, even when you are not on holiday here.