The hike from the Tschangelair Alm along the Ruetz to the Mutterberg valley station is a wonderful family excursion that impressively brings us closer to the power and beauty of these waters.
The Ruetz is the lifeline of the Stubaital. The strong spring creeks from the Glamergrube, the Fernaubach and the Sulzenaubach as well as several other springs ultimately form the strong surge of water of the Ruetz. The highlight of the hike is, of course, the Grawa waterfall. Upstream from the Grawa Waterfall, the young Ruetz then has a narrow streambed through which the water flows in white spray.
TIP: A wonderful place to relax is the alluvial soil further out of the valley at "Klaus Äuele". For a long time, the sandy soil and the calmly flowing water have been used like a bathing beach. The artificially created lakes, through which the fresh water of the Ruetz flows, are a wonderful playground for young and old. The large forest playground as well as the high ropes course offer fun and games for a leisurely day.
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