Ascent/Descent: ⬆ 642 Hm ⬇ 516 Hm
Time required: 4 hours
Length: 6 km
Lowest point: 2,221 m
Highest point: 2,752 m
At this stage of the High Trail, it is impressive to see how the glaciers have shaped the landscape and rock formations. Hikers on the High Trail are inspired by the panorama and unique landscape. It is no accident that a part of this stage is called ‘Paradise’.
From the Nürnberger Hut, the route is initially level and crosses extensive glacial striations on its way down to the Langetalbach stream. Cross the bridge at this point. On the other side, the trail continues along level ground leading out of the valley after a brief climb. From here, the trail leads upwards again until you reach the so-called ‘Paradise’.
After a short rest accompanied by a panoramic view, the High Trail continues upwards to the Simmingjöchl ‘Zollhütte’ at 2,745 m. From the Simmingjöchl, the descent is initially steep but becomes increasingly level as you approach the Bremer Hut. You should plan approx. 3.5 to 4 hours for the entire route.
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