Mountain tour over two beautiful peaks in the Schlick2000 with fantastic views of the ice giants around the Oberberg valley.
From the Kreuzjoch mountain station, hike along the panorama trail, which initially barely ascends, in the direction of the Starkenburger Hütte. After the Sennjoch hut, follow the signs to Hoher Burgstall. The trail leads up over the ridge, branches off to the right and passes under the south face of the Niederer Burgstall. Continue over a steep slope into a saddle, from which you reach the Niederer Burgstall cross on the right in a few minutes. Continue back into the saddle and towards the neighbouring Hoher Burgstall. The path splits under its impressive rock structure. The path first leads to the right towards Schlicker Schartl, and then branches off to the left and leads through a crumbly but well-secured rock gully. The trail then winds its way up to the summit of the Hoher Burgstall. The descent follows the south side of the summit to the Starkenburger Hütte. From the hut, follow the trail back to the Kreuzjoch mountain station. This mountain tour requires absolute surefootedness and a head for heights.
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