With the additional option of visiting the ten lakes below the Mairspitze, this hike is certainly the most beautiful and varied "WildeWasserWeg"!
The Große Trögler (2,902m) is one of the best vantage points in the Stubai Alps. With the mountains of the main ridge in front of it, the summit offers a box seat for the mighty glacier break of the Sulzenauferner as well as the most famous mountains of the Stubai Alps such as Zuckerhütl, Wilder Freiger, Ruderhofspitze and numerous other peaks, which are strung out like a circle all around and show themselves from their best side.
Hike 1 From the Dresdner Hütte (2,302m): From the gondola we cross the flat valley floor to the shady western flank of the Großer Tröglers. A vast amount of boulders cover the steep mountain ridge. Easier than expected, the path leads upwards in easily passable serpentines without much effort. Surprisingly, behind a ridge, the view of the glacier world becomes clear. Shortly before the summit, the trail becomes a little more demanding. Walking time: 2 hours. The Dresdner Hütte invites you to stop for refreshments. Caution: The descent from the summit down to the Sulzenau Hut is partly exposed and very dangerous in wet conditions.
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