Easy family hike up to the rustic Bsuchalm in the Langetal valley, where a network of many small streams is drawn on the flat alpine pasture floor. For hikers with more stamina, the ascent to the Nürnbergerhütte is worthwhile, from where you can take an excursion to the glacier lake of the Aperen Feuerstein.
The entrance to the Langetal is hidden. Above a densely forested slope, a flat floor unexpectedly opens up, enclosed on both sides by sheer rock faces. At first we see several small rivulets to the left, then we comfortably reach the Bsuchalm and here we have a good view of the loudly rushing waterfall of the "Urfall", which shoots out of a narrow gorge with thunderous water.The hike leads from the Nürnbergerhütte car park in Ranalt (1,370m) either along the gently ascending road or along the steeper, old alpine path first through dense coniferous forest. Above the steep steps we follow the flat path to the Bsuchalm (walking time 30 minutes, 1.6 km). If you want to continue up to the Nürnbergerhütte, follow the steep, now narrow trail in many small serpentines. The total walking time to the Nürnbergerhütte is about 3 hours (5 km). The Bsuchalm and the Nürnbergerhütte are catered for and invite you to stop for a bite to eat. A special feature far above the hut are the small moorlands and the stream in a hollow below the Inner Wetterspitze at 2,420 metres. The place is also called "paradise" by the Stubai people. Also worth seeing is the small glacial lake below the Aperen Feuerstein.
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