From the train station Innsbruck are regularly running busses to Fulpmes.
cesta autem:
From the olympic city Innsbruck the Stubai valley is accessible in 20 minutes via Brenner motorway, exit Schönberg and forward to Fulpmes Schlick 2000 bottom station.
Schlick 2000 bottom station
15 min. from mountain station “Kreuzjoch” short way towards “Starkenburger Hütte”, then follow the path (educational path) on your left-hand side to signpost “Panorama-Klettersteig” and to the start of the first belays.
35 min. from Sennjoch north-east below the ridge following the walking path back to Kreuzjoch
The Alpine Adventure Park was set up on the Kreuzjoch. In addition to a children's and sports climbing garden, rope slides and a bivouac grotto, 3 via ferratas from 20 to 80 metres in altitude were also built. Ideal for practising, getting to know and having fun - always with a magnificent panorama in front of you!
A small „Alpine-Adventure-Park“ in the area „Kreuzjoch has been built to revival the cable-car business and for educational purpose.
A small “Alpine-Adventure park” in the area “Kreuzjoch” has been built to revival the cable-car business and for educational purpose, in there also has been built this short educational-via ferrata. Ideal for practice, introductory, and for fun – always having a beautiful panorama in front of you!
Difficulty: Easy to very difficult (up to variant).
Along the belays (A/B) to the first tower of the ridge (B, back down), further on to 2nd ridge buildup (C). There are following two variants (“Flying Fox” doesn’t belong to the Fixed Rope Route!): On your left-hand side a little easier (C/D), on your right-hand side a steep upswing (D/E; can be avoided). From the last ridge-tower downwards into a meadow-saddle. There the belays of the exercise-Fixed-rope-route end and the “Panorama-Klettersteig” (which is not a fixed-rope-route any more as there are no belays available from here!) leads along the ridge into Sennjoch.
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