Wonderful mountain tour around Neustift's local mountain.
Elfer mountain station - Autenalm - Zindegg - Zwölfernieder - Pinnisalm - Elfer mountain station
From the Elferbahn mountain station, the level trail leads to the Autenalm. From here you climb up the steep trail towards Zindegg, a detour to the summit of Zindegg is worthwhile. The trail continues with a magnificent view of the imposing rock faces of the Elfer massif to Zwölfernieder. On the cosy resting bench you can enjoy the magnificent panoramic view over the Pinnis and Stubaital. Here you can often watch the courageous climbers on the Elferkofel. The trail continues steeply down the other side of the mountain into the Pinnistal valley to the Pinnisalm. To complete the round, take the slightly ascending hiking trail back to the Elferbahn mountain station.
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