From the train station Innsbruck are regularly running busses to Neustift - Falbeson.
cesta autem:
From the olympic city Innsbruck the Stubai valley is accessible in 20 minutes via Brenner motorway, exit Schönberg until Neustift and forward into the valley approx. 8 km to Falbeson.
Ascent/Descent: ⬆ 1033 Hm ⬇ 1008 Hm
Time required: 7 hours
Length: 13 km
Lowest point: 2,280 m
Highest point: 2,876 m
Stage III of the circular trail through the Stubai Valley takes you from the Regensburger Hut to the Dresdner Hut. There is an ascent / descent of 1,750 m over a distance of around 13 km – the highlight of the tour is without a doubt the impressive glacier landscape, which you steadily approach on this route.
From the hut, head through the valley alongside the Hohes Moos, and then up towards the mountain lake ‘Falbesoner See’. Even before reaching the lake, the trail crosses the valley below the Hochmoosferner and leads to the steep ascent up to the Grawagrubennieder (2 ½ hours from the Neue Regensburger Hut). From Grawagrubennnieder, continue under the spur of the Grawawandferner along a slope with many rocky outcrops.
After that, you pass below the mountain lake ‘Mutterberger See’. From there, the trail descends to the bottom of the Glamersgrube, ascending again on the other side through the Wilde Grube into a saddle and down to the Dresdner Hut.
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