Direct bus (590) connection from the main train station Innsbruck to the valley station Serlesbahnen in Mieders.
cesta autem:
From the olympic city Innsbruck the Stubai valley is accessible in 20 minutes via Brenner motorway, exit Schönberg forward to Mieders. The cable car station Serles is well signposted in Mieders.
At the valley station are many free parking spaces.
The high starting point of this hike makes it accessible from early winter through to the spring. From the mountain station, the trail takes you past the Koppeneck panorama restaurant, initially in parallel with the winter hiking trail to the east. After just a few metres, you cross the hiking trail and hike gently uphill,
almost straight on in a southerly direction to the Waldrasterjöchl. There, you’ll find a summit cross at 1,878 metres.
Please show consideration for other winter sports fans, nature and wildlife.
Refreshment options: Koppeneck panorama restaurant (1,605 m)
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