Moderately steep forest hike via the Sonnenstein inn to the Maria Waldrast monastery.
A longer hike from the valley to the Maria Waldrast monastery is offered by the "Talerweg" from Medraz. Along the way there are chapels with paintings worth seeing. A visit to the traditional Maria Waldrast monastery is worthwhile; the high-energy water from the Waldrast spring Kneipp facility is said to have healing powers.
From the church in Medraz, walk up the steep asphalt road to the settlement Medrazer Stille. Here the Talersteig trail begins, first in the forest past the Blutschwitzerkapelle chapel and always climbing steadily to the Sonnenstein inn. Following the signs, the forest trail continues towards the Maria Waldrast monastery. Shortly before the destination, the path joins the forest road. The walking time is 3 hours (5.7 km). The Sonnenstein inn and the monastery inn at the hiking destination invite you to stop for refreshments along the trail.
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