In Schönberg, follow the street to the post office and then turn right. Go through a motorway underpass and on the other side, follow signs for "Gleinserhof". After approx. 15 minutes, you reach the Alpengasthaus Gleinserhof at the end of the street. There, you will find many free parking spaces.
At the Gleinserhof you find many free parking spaces.
They provide shade and though allow sufficient sunlight to pass through for the understory to grow. The larch trees on the “Eulenwiesen” enable a protected variety of flowers (pasqueflower, trumpet gentian, arnica …) and give space to matgrass and dwarf-shrub. These “Larchbergmahder” sprouted after fire clearance. Due to the many floods at the valley bottom the farmers needed new pastures and found them at about 1,700 meters above sea level. Whereas spruce trees and pine trees burned up, the larch trees only flared on the outside and were budding again the next spring. Such places of natural treasures can only be maintained through extensive care and cultivation by the farmers. Once a year the “Eulenwiesen” are therefore mowed by hand and scythed.
Leaving the Alpengasthaus Gleinserhof, follow a gently climbing forest path in the direction of the Eulenwiesen. At the first sign (Eulenwiesen), turn left and after 2 bends, you reach the Eulenwiesen in one hour. On the mountain ridge, you walk through meadows surrounded by larch woods.After another 15 minutes you reach the scenic nature reserve Eulenwiesen. It goes back the same way.
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