Opened facilities Serlesbahnen

In summer, the Serles cable car takes hiking enthusiasts, mountain bikers or those seeking peace and quiet to the local recreation area near Mieders. In winter, seven slopes with 5.7 kilometres, three toboggan runs and winter hiking trails await winter sports enthusiasts and nature lovers in the family skiing area in the Stubaital.

open slopes
7 / 7
available slope length
5,70 km
Open Lifts
open lifts
5 / 5
Blue slope
5 / 5
Red slope
2 / 2
Status Name Height valley Height peak Length Capacity / h
Gondelbahn Gondelbahn 960 m 1606 m 1970 m 900
SL Waldrasteck SL Waldrasteck 1432 m 1611 m 851 m 975
SL Ochsenhütte SL Ochsenhütte 1516 m 1674 m 525 m 1100
SL Lärchenlift SL Lärchenlift 959 m 1006 m 204 m 401
Kinderland Talstation Kinderland Talstation 0 m 0 m 0 m 0
Status Type Name YouTube video
1 Waldrasteck
2 Talabfahrt
3 Schneeboden
4 Ochsenschuss
5 Besserbrunnen
6 Lärchenschuss
7 Kinderland
Status Type Name
Restaurant Restaurant Koppeneck
Restaurant Ochsenhütte
Restaurant GH Sonnenstein
Restaurant Kloster Mariawaldrast
Restaurant Alpengasthof Gleinserhof
Schirmbar Schirmbar Talstation
Status Type Name
Sommerrodelbahn Sommerrodelbahn
Rodelbahn Rodelbahn Mieders zur Talstation
Rodelbahn Rodelbahn Maria Waldrast nach Matrei
Rodelbahn Rodelbahn Gleins nach Schönberg
Wanderweg Winterwanderwege
in preparation
last update: 16.02.25 15:30