The Gleinserhof can only be reached on foot or by car.
cesta autem:
In Schönberg follow the road up to the post office where you then bear to your right. The trail takes you right under the motorway and uphill (signposted Gleinserhof). Follow the path, and after approx. 15 minutes you’ll reach Gleinserhof at the end of the road.
From the Gleinserhof, the trail goes onto a forest path heading south east past the last houses in Gleins. After approx. ¼ hour, turn left towards Eulenwiesen, a site of natural beauty. The path will take you slightly uphill through the forest. After two bends, hike straight on for a while before arriving at the sparse larch forest after two more bends and about an hour’s walking time. Once you’ve hiked across the vast hilltop of the Eulenwiesen, you finally get to two small huts, located slightly downhill. From here, bear right down into the Gleinser Mähder, an upland moor situated in a large hollow. The trail goes past a small private mountain hut with benches and tables and across the long valley floor. At the end of the open space at Mähder, the route leads back to the Eulenwiesenweg and continues along the forest path. The path descends only very slightly taking the tour back to the fork at Eulenwiesen and finally back to the starting point.
Refreshment options: Alpengasthaus Gleinserhof (1,412 m)
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