From the Egesengrat and the Top of Tyrol summit platform in the area of the Stubai Glacier Cableways you can enjoy fantastic views!
The Dresdner Hütte circular hiking trail is located directly in the area of the Stubai Glacier cable car. Passing small lakes and pools, you reach the high plateau of the Egesengrat (2,625m), a wonderful vantage point.
The "Top of Tyrol" summit platform (3,210m) on the rocky summit of the Großer Isidor also offers an excellent and easily accessible vantage point. Many people immediately feel the high altitude of over 3,000 metres here. The motto here is to ascend very slowly! The viewing platform offers a magnificent panoramic and distant view: from the nearby glaciers of the Stubai to the Dolomites, the Ötztal Alps and hundreds of other peaks in the Alpine region!
Hike 1: Round hike Dresdner Hütte: Starting at the Dresdner Hütte, the trail leads past small lakes, ponds and pools to a high plateau that offers a magnificent view of glaciers and peaks. Down the slope it goes to the glacier stream. Here the landscape, the formative power of the water, becomes clearly visible and, above all, can be experienced sensually. The trail continues to the point where the Gletscherbach joins the Fernaubach and back to the Dresdner Hütte. The Dresdner Hütte invites you to stop for a bite to eat.
Hike 2: Viewing platform "TOP OF TYROL": After the ascent with the Stubai Glacier cable car to the Schaufeljoch mountain station, you will reach the summit platform at Großer Isidor in 10 minutes. In just a few minutes, you can ascend to the platform via metal steps from the "Schaufeljoch" mountain station. The Jochdohle panorama restaurant invites you to stop for a bite to eat.
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