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"PURE STUBAI" - Autumn Highlights - "Klang & Gsang" on the alpine pastures

Autumn | Folklore Veranstaltung | Herbsthighlights | Weekend | Short stay | Culture | Event
Neustift | Diverse Almen/Hütten im Stubaital

Folks music groups of the surrounding area meet in the alpine pastures of the Stubai valley.

Entrance free of charge! The event also takes place at bad weather conditions.

20.10. Brandstattalm Karin Kratzer Trio

Information about the event

Event days
Sun, 10/20/2024 | 12:30


Tourismusverband Stubai Tirol
Stubaitalhaus, Dorf 3
6167 Neustift im Stubaital


Tourismusverband Stubai Tirol
Stubaitalhaus, Dorf 3
6167 Neustift im Stubaital